Syria, Iraq, war for profit, and the Invasion of the Middle East

Politicians lie to give them an excuse to go to war, because war makes money. They lied about Iraq. They’re probably lying now. War has ALWAYS been about money. Every time. War makes money. Media, politicians, oil, banking and the military industrial complex all make money from sending troops to die for oil. All ofContinue reading “Syria, Iraq, war for profit, and the Invasion of the Middle East”

False Flags – what are they? And have they ever been proven?

Disclaimer: some might say it’s too soon after tragic events to discuss False Flags. To that I say… 1 it is never too early to discuss who might be the perpetrators of tragic events. If there is any question that may be asked it should be asked. And… 2 nowhere in this article will IContinue reading “False Flags – what are they? And have they ever been proven?”

Do I Blame David Cameron?

Do I BLAME David Cameron? I see a system that raises man-children, that argue in the House of Commons in such an immature way that, honestly, no teacher would allow their students to behave. Shouting over each other, trading insults instead of policies. If you study politics you study the history of nations robbing eachContinue reading “Do I Blame David Cameron?”